
Showing posts from September 14, 2020


  BUSINESS CONSULTATION Becoming an entrepreneur is among the best options you can take to pursue in your life. By becoming an entrepreneur, you have already demonstrated your leadership trait, the drive to see your idea materialized and you have decided to take the next major step to realize your vision that is running your own business. At ETJ we provide free business consultation to different entrepreneurs and also to any other person who want to start a business. Our company provide consultation services by physical visitation to our offices and also to different social networks especially in WhatsApp groups. Our free consultation services specifically based on transforming informal business to formal, not only that but also, we help entrepreneurs to plan for their brand strategies. BUSINESS FORMALIZATION  Formalizing your business comes with a number of benefits including improving access to public services and formal credit, recognition, trust for your produc


  ETJ.PROFFESSIONAL CONSULTANCY(The Experties in) Sajili kampuni yako au jina la biashara (Business name ) kupitia mfumo wa Brela online registration ofisi zetu tunatoa huduma zifuatazo: 1.kusajili kampuni kupitia Brela online registration kwa ada ya bei nafuu 2.kusajili jina la biashara/Business name 3.updating company na updating Business name/jina la biashara(kwa Kampuni /jina la biashara zilizosajiliwa mfumo wa zaman chini ya mwaka 2018 wanabid wapate update ili Kampuni yao iingie kwenye mfumo mpya wa online 4.Kufile annual returns Brela kwa kampuni kwenye mfumo wa online 5.kufuatilia kibali cha benki kuu tanzania (bot) kwa kampuni za kukopesha (micro finance company) kulingana na sheria mpya ilitungwa na serikal kuwa huduma ndogo za kifedha kusimamiwa na bot(bank of Tanzania/benki kuu tanzania) 6.Tunakusaidia kupata leseni Kwa njia ya online 7.Tunatengeneza company profile 8.Tunaandaa Tender document (vitabu vya tenda) kwa Kampuni ili iweze kupata tenda Mbalimbali 9.Tuna